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Some News Articles:
Read about Mord McGhee in this article about 2024 US Entertainment News MSN
Read more about Mord's 2024 Maya Angelou Nomination from WPDE ABC Myrtle Beach News
Read more about Old Flames and Heroes in this article 2015 Seaway Trail Niagara Falls from the Buffalo News
Read more about Mord's Silver Science Fiction Award on his debut novel in the local Moon Township Patch Article 2014
About Mord McGhee
Outlaw Traditionalist Author
Biographical per published works:
Mord McGhee (birth date unknown) is an American fantasy, science fiction, horror, and literary author from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, currently working in South Carolina. He is best known for his influential and groundbreaking cyberpunk series of novels (GHOSTS SERIES) first published in serial form in the late 1980s and early 1990s in Pablo Lennis: The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fact, long before the genre was well established. The books were novelized and independently published in 2014-2016 with the debut winning a Dan Poynter's Silver Science Fiction Award in 2014. These were then republished by American small press TSP in 2015 and 2017. The plot of the GHOSTS SERIES revolve about a privately paid special forces unit operating under a clandestine umbrella known as Eclipse. The team is ethnically and economically diverse, with roles supporting female empowerment and themes of social justice. His fiction has been dubbed "Outlaw Traditionalist which is not easily put down, once begun." His latest novel IRONBLOOD (Golden Storyline Books London UK) was released 2-1-2024 in paperback and eBook form, with hardback and audio books upcoming. His dark fantasy novella THE STROKE OF OARS (Nat1 Pub LLC USA) was released during Discovery Channel's Shark Week 2023. A chapbook MIND POKER (Audience Askew USA) was released in January 2024.
Mord is also active in movie producing, as an associate executive producer associated with Legion M, for upcoming feature film THE MAN IN THE WHITE VAN starring Sean Astin and Ali Larter and MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE starring Morgan Freeman and Ed Norton.
Mord has written pop culture horror columns for The Horror Within, has been an editor of various anthologies, and is an Honorable Mention winner in L. Ron Hubbard's 'Writers of the Future' (2023).
On a personal note, Mord collects fossils and is passionate about charities including the issue of global human homelessness, stroke and kidney transplant awareness while most often haunting Lowcountry, Charleston, Dallas, College Station, Pittsburgh.
He is a woodworker using rustic methods to make furniture and more, and also a season ticket holder and fan of the Myrtle Beach Pelicans minor league affiliate of baseball's Chicago Cubs.
It's also true Mord McGhee is a classic MMORPG gamer specifically found Landroval server in Lord of the Rings Online, server 101 of Meridian 59, and at times in Lovecraftian- The Secret World.
Mord also writes under 2 other published pseudonyms.